19 November 2010
Opening Reception:
Spex | 2316 N. Clark St. | Chicago
Wednesday, December 1
Recent Things...
Great Lakes Nation Exhibition:
"The Average American"
(3) 55-gallon plastic barrels
It was no surprise to me that Americans are some of the highest fresh water users on the planet, but when I learned that the average American uses 150 gallons per day I nearly fainted! Judging with disgust, I cursed those “damn average Americans.” But when I crunched my water usage numbers, to my shock and horror learned that I too am very nearly that damn average American. Old habits are hard to break, but at least I’m fully conscious of them now. It takes baby steps to make change, but I hope you’ll join me.
Think you’re not so average? Click here to calculate your own daily water usage.
Want to learn more about our water issues? Please visit Call to Action: An Intervention on Water and It's Our Water
"Looking For" Project:
On October 1, Mike & Marta installed ME in their show window under our art collaboration. The piece is meant to be a replica of my "Life Is Elsewhere" piece. While becoming the art on display made me a bit nauseous at first, this installation was super fun/funny when I could hear people through the glass wondering if that was "a real person in there?!" I definitely got a kick out of shifting ever so slightly and hearing people freak out saying, "SHE'S ALIVE!!" Thanks M&M for a great collaboration.
Photo copyright Marta Sasinowska
07 October 2010
Greetings from the Great Lakes Nation!
Opening Night: Friday, October 8, 2010, 6-10pm
Open through October 24 by appointment
Please contact stacy@chicagoartdepartment.org for viewing
Chicago Art Department
1837 S. Halsted St., Chicago (Pilsen)
-Excerpt from the Great Lakes Basin Declaration
What if the 35 million people living in the Great Lakes Basin decided to secede from North America due to a lack of sustainable priorities? Motivated by the impending freshwater crises, artists will examine the issues of living in Chicago by the largest freshwater system in the world. The basis of these investigations is a newly independent ‘Great Lakes Nation,’ of which artists explore human-nature relations from the Great Lakes’ point of view. Artists will bring to light information, issues and solutions concerning this amazing resource through various mediums including paintings, mixed-media, photography, screen printing, woodworking, apparel and ceramics.
Featured Artists:
Nick Adam
Sandi Chaplin
Todd Childers
Tanya Galin
Danielle Gharst
Matthew Hoffman
Andy Holck
Will House
Lisa Korpan
Bill Lenehan
Pei-san Ng
Lisa Peterson
Stacy Peterson
Scott Reinhard
Bud Rodecker
Jen Rosenthal
Preethi Venkataramanujam
Matt Wizinsky
Music by:
Matt Schneider
Nat Soti
The featured art is a collaboration between the Great Lakes Nation Workshop at the Chicago Art Department and Call to Action: An Intervention on Water at Archeworks (ItsOurWater.org).
The opening is part of Chicago Artists’ Month.
01 October 2010
40th Annual Pilsen Artwalk Weekend & Chicago Artists Month Kickoff Celebration
Well hello old friends! Wow, a whole season has passed since I last wrote. Time flies when you're farming. (More on that later...)
But first, I hope you'll join me & my fellow artists at the Chicago Art Department this weekend during the 40th Annual Pilsen East Artists' Open House. I'll be exhibiting selected works from some of my most recent collections and have also collaborated once again with Mike Nourse & Marta Sasinowska on their "Looking For" project that is on display in the "showPODs" windows throughout the neighborhood. I'll be around to chat about art, life, and my recent adventure into the world of urban agriculture! Details below. Be seeing you....
Opening Night, Friday Oct 1st, 6-10pm
Saturday and Sunday Oct 2nd & 3rd, 12-7pm
Chicago Art Department Exhibiting Artists:
Jason Frolichstien
Agnieska Furtak
Jeannie Lugtu
Jen Nalbantyan
Pei San Ng
Nathan Peck
Stacy Peterson
Jen Rosenthal
Amie Sell
Nat Soti
Kirsten Strauss
Bunny's Trunk Show (vintage jewelry)
40th Annual Pilsen East Artists Open House South Halsted and 18th Streets; Information Center is at 1821 S. Halsted This is a multi-location event, in the format of a self-guided walking tour, the event spans approximately 6 blocks. The central location of the event is South Halsted and 18th Streets in Chicago. Please visit the info center at 1821 South Halsted for maps and event details. The 40th Annual Pilsen East Artists Open House will feature the work of both established and emerging artists in Chicago's oldest art community. Some neighborhood favorites include, Floyd Davis at Artpentry, Jeremy Ehly, The Chicago Art Department, Bridget Bolger & Scott Multer at South Halsted Gallery, TEMPLE Gallery, the showPODs, Rooms Productions, Matt Barber Kennedy, Brian Mancl, Orlando Espinoza, Studio 101, and the Pilsen East Performance Festival. Newcomers include, Human Thread, The Black Cloud Gallery, 569 Door on the Left, and Phoenix Gallery. This event is a self guided walking tour of the intimate world of the working artist. This neighborhood of creatives welcomes you to experience art at its source as you visit their home, studio, theater, dance space, gallery. More than 50 artists will participate and be on hand to discuss their work and share their creative process, don't miss this unique perspective. |
For more information check out www.chicagoartsdistrict.org
08 March 2010
International Women's Day | Group Show | 03/08/10
International Women's Day (8 March) is marked as a day when people all over the world celebrate the idea of WOMAN as mother, inventor, lover, artist, peacemaker, revolutionary, and maker of history. On the evening of March 8th you are invited to celebrate this day at Chicago Art Department, where twenty-three women will gather to celebrate, educate, make artwork, share memories, discuss issues, and have a little fun. Through the artwork each artist will show her unique approach to celebrating this day for. This exhibition celebrates and gives voice to topics and struggles that are globally unique to women, and will include the showing of archival materials and traditional edible goodies. Come and revel in the strength and vitality that is WOMAN.
International Women's Day Group Show
Monday March 8th, 6-10 pm (1 Day Only)
@ Chicago Art Department
1837 S. Halsted, Chicago, IL
"Woman's Dilemma"
ink/magazine clippings on paper
12" x 16"